Unit02 Responsive Welcome Page


For this module, you will be building a single, responsive web page and hosting it on an AWS bucket.

You will be responsibe for all the design, asset creation, content creation, logo design, color scheme, etc.

Since everything we cover in this unit was covered in a previous class, I have links to 2610 in case you forgot some things you previously learned.

In future units, you will take the page you create here and turn it into a WordPress theme.



At the end of this module, you should be able to...



Reflection Questions

After reading the following article, write me a short summary and submit it in Canvas.

Assignment Example

Assignment Checklist

Unit02 Responsive Welcome Page (10 pts)

HTML head
Site Header
Site Navigation
Responsive Hero Image
Site Footer
No Design Errors
Hosting a Static Page

In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.