Unit01 - Build a Start File
In this unit we are going to review all the tools you need as a front end developer. Then we assemble all the essential pieces of a modern, responsive, mobile first website. We will use Photoshop to generate graphics and use even a bit of JavaScript.
- Wayfinding
- Wayfinding is how we make sense of our surroundings and navigate the space around us.
- The Box Model
- Everything in CSS has a box around it. Understanding how the size of margin, border, and padding effect the box is critial.
Validation Services
- Add the Web Deveopler extension to Chrome so you can quickly access these services below.
- Validate your HTML Markup Validation Service
- Validate you CSS CSS Validation Service
- Validate the accessibility WAVE Tool
- Check your page size using the Chrome Inspect Tool
- Verify you still have GIT, Visual Studio Code, and the Live Server Extension which you learned in DWDD1720.
- Install the VS Code Extension Live Sass Compiler by Glenn Marks (Covered in a lecture)
//Configure the output formats and location
"liveSassCompile.settings.formats": [
"format": "expanded",
"extensionName": ".css",
"savePath": "./css"
"extensionName": ".min.css",
"format": "compressed",
"savePath": "./css"
- Create files and folders inside VS Code
- Use Emmet html5 start code
- Review how a description tag is used in google search results
- Implement a viewport meta tag
- Add a Google Font
- Add a normalize file
- Build fav icon graphics
- Implement a SASS CSS Preprocessor
- Demonstrate using Partials
- Demonstrate using Import
- Demonstrate using Variables (gutter, weight, colors)
- Demonstrate Nesting
- Implement Minified CSS
- Use Wrappers
- Implement Wayfinding
- Add a script tag
- Install the "Corporate Ipsum" as a Chrome extension.
- Install the Web Developer Chrome Extension
- Read how to write a good title tag
- Read about text-size-adjust and Normalize CSS by Kilian Valkhof
- Read a fav icon today by Jeff Cardello
- Read about the EMMET features built in to VS Code
- Review the GitHub setup steps you learned in Scripting Essentials
- Unit Lectures
- Watch 2610_01a Course Introduction
- Watch 2610_01b SASS Basics
- Watch 2610_01c Building the Start File
- Watch 2610_01d Build File Structure
- Watch 2610_01e Install SASS Compiler
- Watch 2610_01f Basic Styles
- Watch 2610_01g HTML Code
- Watch 2610_01h JavaScript
- Watch 2610_01i Photoshop
- Watch 2610_01j Styling the Header
- Watch 2610_01k Style Navigation
- Watch 2610_01l Style the Footer
- Watch 2610_01m Pages and Validators
- Watch 2610_01n Hosting Assignments
CSS Code Snippets
/* Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes. */
html {
-moz-text-size-adjust: none;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
text-size-adjust: none;
height: 100%;
/*---- apply a natural box layout model to all elements -------*/
* {
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
Assignment Example
- View the small screen open navigation
- View the small screen layout
- View the medium screen layout
- View the large screen layout
Assignment Checklist
Unit01 - Build a Start File (10 pts)
The head of your document need to contain the following.
- Appropriate title
- Appropriate meta tag description
- Appropriate author
- Appropriate charset
- Appropriate do not lie meta tag
- Google font link (NOT Red Hat!)
- Favorite icon image set
Header Requirements
- Logo and Company Name displayed using Flexbox
Navigation Requirements
- SMALL - three items presented horizontally with Flexbox
- MEDIUM - three items presented horizontally with Flexbox
- LARGE - three items presented horizontally with Flexbox
- Activate one menu item. Think DESIGN: Wayfinding
- Background color behind the navigation links
Main Requirements
- Should have a page title as an h1 tag
Footer Requirements
- copyright entity
- your name
- current year displayed using JavaScript
- Insert ONLY the year using JavaScript date()
- use the querySelector()
Hosting this Assignment
- Create a new GitHub public repository
- Make your repository into a GitHub pages site
- Submit a link to the GitHub page
Page Requirements
Your page needs to meet these requirements
- Page is responsive from 320px wide to 1600px wide with no horizontal scroll bar.
- Add a google font in the head tag appropiate to the target audience.
- Includes normalize, variables, small, medium, and large SCSS partial files.
- Media Queries are included in the styles.scss file.
- Implements a CSS Preprocessor.
- Demonstrate Contrast, Proximity, Alignment, Hierachy, Wayfinding, and Visual Tangent.
- Passes the HTML5 validation test.
- Passes the CSS3 validation test.
- Passes the WAVE web accessibility with no contrast errors.
- Initial page size is below 500k.
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail