Unit09 Landscape & Lighting
In this module, you will build a page for a fictitious landscape company that features an image slider with overlay text and cards that have fancy bottom edges. You will also use clipping masks to alter the presentation shape of a square image.
- Image Slider
- A slider is a design element used to display videos and images on a website. Like a slideshow, photos or video display one at a time. The content changes when users drag to see the next slide, or it changes automatically after a few seconds.
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Build an image slider with overlay text
- Create responsive cards with PNG images as alternate bottom edges
- Create responsive cards with SVG images as alternate bottom edges
AI Assist
Code to position text over an img on your web page.
PROMPT: How to position text over an img tag?
- Access Swiper documentation and installation instructions
- Read about Clipping and Masking in CSS
- Use Clippy to make a clip-path
- Navigation Tutorials
- Download the Navigation Start File for the tutorials below.
- Watch 2610_nav_09a-Overview
- Watch 2610_nav_09b-Navigation Small
- Watch 2610_nav_09c-Navigation Large
- Page Content Tutorials
- Watch 2610_09a Landscape Overview
- Watch 2610_09b Image Slider Introduction
- Watch 2610_09c Build a Slider Using Swiper
- Watch 2610_09d Slider Responsive Images
- Watch 2610_09e Clip Path
- Watch 2610_09f Image Preperation with Photoshop
- Watch 2610_09g Overlaying Image Masks
Assignment Example
- View the small screen open navigation
- View the small screen layout
- View the medium screen layout
- View the large screen layout
Assignment Checklist
Unit09 Landscape & Lighting (10 pts)
Page Requirements
Your page needs to meet these requirements
- Page is responsive from 320px wide to 1600px wide with no horizontal scroll bar.
- Add a google font in the head tag appropiate to the target audience.
- Includes normalize, variables, small, medium, and large SCSS partial files.
- Media Queries are included in the styles.scss file.
- Implements a CSS Preprocessor.
- Demonstrate Contrast, Proximity, Alignment, Hierachy, Wayfinding, and Visual Tangent.
- Passes the HTML5 validation test.
- Passes the CSS3 validation test.
- Passes the WAVE web accessibility with no contrast errors.
- Initial page size is below 500k.
The header of your page should contain the following:
- A 1x, 2x, 3x version of an appropiate Landscape & Lighting site logo with embedded text.
- Clickable phone number
The two level deep navigation should feature:
- At least 4 main menu items
- One main menu item must have at least three sub menu items
- SMALL – Two level deep navigation with triangles ▼ for parent menus with children
- MEDIUM – drop down second level items
- LARGE – modified smaller anchors
The main tag of your page should contain the following:
- Image slider with at least 3 similarly cropped photos
- Two card featuring fancy SVG bottom edges
- Two additional cards featuring fancy PNG bottom edges
- Two testimonials with clip-path applied to the photo
The footer tag of your page should contain the following:
- Use a copyright entity and bullet entity
- Display the year and your name
- Center align the text
Hosting this Assignment
- Create a new GitHub public repository
- Make your repository into a GitHub pages site
- Submit a link to the GitHub page
Page Requirements
Your page needs to meet these requirements
- Page is responsive from 320px wide to 1600px wide with no horizontal scroll bar.
- Add a google font in the head tag appropiate to the target audience.
- Includes normalize, variables, small, medium, and large SCSS partial files.
- Media Queries are included in the styles.scss file.
- Implements a CSS Preprocessor.
- Demonstrate Contrast, Proximity, Alignment, Hierachy, Wayfinding, and Visual Tangent.
- Passes the HTML5 validation test.
- Passes the CSS3 validation test.
- Passes the WAVE web accessibility with no contrast errors.
- Initial page size is below 500k.
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail