Performing Arts Center


In this module, you will build a page for a fictitious performing arts center. You get to make up the name and create a pixel-density aware logo as well as choose the shows and dates for the shows.


Lazy Loading
Lazy-loading downloads only necessary resources and defers non-critical ones until the user scrolls down the page.
WebP is an image file format developed by Google in 2018. It replaces JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats. It supports both lossy and lossless compression as well as animation and alpha transparency.
Pixel Density
The number of physical pixels (led lights) per inch on a screen or display of a device. It's often referred to as Pixels Per Inch or PPI.
Layout Jank
When a page reflows based on new content being downloaded. Page elements jump around on the page as it renders.



At the end of this module, you should be able to...

AI Assist

Use AI to generte a simple HTML solution for a logo that is pixil dependent.

PROMPT: What is a simple solution to build a pixel density-aware logo for my website that is 50px by 50px using a transparent PNG file?



Assignment Example

Assignment Checklist

Performing Arts Center (10 pts)

Page Requirements

Your page needs to meet these requirements


The header of your page should contain the following:


The navigation should feature:


The main tag of your page should contain the following:


The footer tag of your page should contain the following:

Hosting this Assignment
Page Requirements

Your page needs to meet these requirements


In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.