Unit10 Products/Services Pages
The purpose of this assignment is to build four additional products/services pages that become sub menu items for your site.
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Build 4 WordPress pages
- Add these pages to a WordPress menu as sub menu items
- Use the Row/Column layout we learned previously
- Generate ideas for 4 products or services you offer your customer
- Find and prepare optimal images
- Add new pages and sub menu items
- Create responsive HTML using existing code
- Kultra
- 4610 10a- Products or Services Overview
- 4610 10b- Start at the End
- DWDD2610 Landscape and Lighting where you learned two level deep navigation
Reflection Questions
After reading the following article, write me a short 1-2 paragraph summary and submit it in Canvas.
- Which of the 20 skills listed are you good at? Please read 20 WordPress skills all developers need by testGorilla
Assignment Example
- View the small screen layout
- View the medium screen layout
- View the large screen layout
Assignment Checklist
Unit10 Products/Services Pages (10 pts)
Products/Services pages
- Add 4 additional pages to your WordPress site
- Add an appropiate sized webp photo related to the product or service
- Add a description of the product or service
- Add a bullet list of features about the product or service
- Add the cost of the product or service
- Add a Custom Link to your menu with a URL of #
- Add menu items for these four pages as sub menu items
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail