Unit14 Self Hosted Ecommerce
The purpose of this assignment is to have you build an online store using the Woocommerce plugin and a new WordPress instance.
- Woocommerce Plugin
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Install the Woocommerce plugin
- Build a store with 5 products
- Read about Woocommere
- Kultra
- 4610 14a- Ecommerce Overview and Demonstration
Reflection Questions
After reading the following article, write me a short 1-2 paragraph summary and submit it in Canvas.
- Please submit a 1-2 paragraph summary on The Future of eCommerce: by Virto Commerce
Assignment Example
- View the small screen layout
- View the medium screen layout
- View the large screen layout
Assignment Checklist
Unit14 Self Hosted Ecommerce (10 pts)
- Create 5 products
- Image for each product
- Title for each product
- Price for each product
- Descriotion for each product
New Home Page
- Create or reuse an existing page for the company landing page
- Use an existing theme that supports a menu
- Customize the menu so the landing page is first
- The "Shop" page is second
- The "Cart" Page is third
- The "Checkout" page is forth
- The "My account" Page is fifth
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail