Unit09 Alternating Column Cards
The purpose of this assignment is to have you build a page with alternating column cards.
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Add a new page and menu item to your site
- Build a 4 generation HTML structure
- Properly calculate the optimal image size
- Crop and upload a matching set of images
- Create the CSS to have stacked small screen cards and alternating medium screen cards.
- Properly use & with a nested psudo class in your SASS file
- Review nth child
Reflection Questions
After reading the following article, write me a short 1-2 paragraph summary and submit it in Canvas.
- Please submit a 1-2 paragraph summary on Dark Patterns And Other Design No-Nos For Mobile by Suzanne Scacca
Assignment Example
- View the small screen layout
- View the medium screen layout
- View the large screen layout
Assignment Checklist
Unit09 Alternating Column Cards (10 pts)
Site Header
- Add a new page to your site
- Add a new menu item to your navigation
- Crop a series of 4 images related to your site
- Save the iamges as webp and upload them to your AWS account
- Properly use your class of row and class of column woth an additional class to target your html cards
- Use 4 generations of nested HTML to build a series of cards with text
- In the text area of the cards, use heading, paragraph and some kind of list tag
- Use CSS to layout the cards vertically on small screens
- Use CSS grid and nth child to alternate the photo on larger screens
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail