Unit06 Create a WordPress Theme


The purpose of this assignment is to convert an html page into a WordPress theme.



At the end of this module, you should be able to...


SSH Commands

// list files and folders in the current directory 
ls -l

// Moving up and down the folder structure
cd  (folder name here that you want to open)
cd .. (moves up one level)

// Show the full path to the current folder

//Remove a file from the current directory
rm (name of file)

// Power User to remove a folder
sudo rmdir (folder name here)


Reflection Questions

After reading the following article, write me a short 1-2 paragraph summary and submit it in Canvas.

Assignment Example

Assignment Checklist

Unit06 Create a WordPress Theme (10 pts)

Build a WordPress Theme

In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.