Unit05 Activity Cards
The purpose of this assignment is to build a series of responsive activity cards.
- No Tools
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Build a set of cards using a row/column layout
- Style the cards to accommodate hover on large screens
- Identify the optimal image width for the images in your layout
- Download a set of matching images
- Resize them to a common size
- Kultra
- 4610 05a- Overview of Activity Cards
- 4610 05b- Determining the Optimal Image Size
- 4610 05c- The Finished HTML
- 4610 05d- Small Screen CSS
- 4610 05e- Large Screen CSS
- 4610 05f- See More Button Styling
- 12-column grid review from 2610
- Watch 2610_06b CSS Framework
- Watch 2610_06c Building the For Loop
- Watch 2610_06d Seeing the Grid Structure
- Watch 2610_06e Layout Even Grids
- Watch 2610_06f Layout Uneven Grids
- Watch 2610_06g Layout Incomplete Grids
- Watch 2610_06h Adding Extra Classes
Reflection Questions
After reading the following article, write me a short 1-2 paragraph summary and submit it in Canvas.
- Please submit a 1-2 paragraph summary on Writing CSS In 2023: Is It Any Different Than A Few Years Ago? by Geoff Graham
Assignment Example
- View the small screen layout
- View the medium screen layout
- View the large screen layout
Assignment Checklist
Unit05 Activity Cards (10 pts)
On your home page template, add a series of cards.
Implement a 12 column grid
- row class displayed a flex, wrapped, and centered
- columns class with padding at the sides
- small 1-12 class with flex basis values
- medium 1-12 class with flex basis values
- large 1-12 class with flex basis values
- SASS CALC() used
- SASS for loop used
Activity Cards
- Build a set of 6 cards
- Cards need an image that is the optimal size for all three views
- Cards need a text description
- On mobile screens, the text information must be displayed at all times
- On screens that support mouse hover the text must be hidden until mouse-over
- The cards must be visually stunning (no slop permitted)
Hosting a Static Page
- Update your page on the AWS - S3 bucket used in the previous assignment
- Share a link to your bucket in Canvas
- Your page must pass the HTML validation test.
- Your page must pass the CSS validation test.
- Your page must pass the WAVE web accessibility evaluation test.
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail