Unit20 Historical Building


For your final project you will document a building listed on any state or national historical registry. Each of your completed tours will be added to the work of students done before you on virtual.uvu.edu.


At the end of this module, you should be able to...


Sites reserved by Students

Location - Student Name

Location - Student Name

Location - Student Name

Assignment Checklist

Unit20 Historical Building (10 pts)

Your final project is a service-learning project that requires a minimum of 20 hours of time. You will identify a building considered to be historical. This completed tour will be featured on the virtual.uvu.edu website for the general public to visit.

 Name: ______________________________________

 Location: ___________________________________

 County where located: ______________________________


You should plan on documenting this space as though it may burn down next week and your tour will be the last remaining record of the building (remember the Provo Tabernacle).

Text Information

To help with the feeling of COOL, add appropriate sounds to your tour.

Submission of Work

Please create a folder with the 4 digit year, underscore, and a two word name of the location. Use Camel Case for the location. NO spaces in the folder name.


In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.