Unit05 Publishing a Kuula Tour
Using the 18-shot method, you will photograph a five separate nodes with Bracket Shooting for HDR and then create a tour. You will publish this tour on the Kuula platrofm.
- Kuula
- Pano2VR
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Create a multi-node tour
- Set the North direction
- Locate nodes correctly on a world map
- Link nodes together using Pano2VR
- Create free account on Kuula
- Read how to upload an image to Kuula
- Read how to add text labels in Kuula
- Read how to add Sun & lens flare effect in Kuula
- Business Tour
- 3261_11a Upload to Kuula [3:20]
- 3261_11b Linking Panoramas Together [4:21]
- 3261_11c Enhance the Experience [2:35]
- 3261_11d Browser Testing [1:03]
- 3261_11e Phone Testing [1:47]
- 3261_11f Headset Testing [2:12]
Assignment Example
View Adventure Heights All Abilities Park in Spahish Fork Utah
Assignment Checklist
Unit05 Publishing a Kuula Tour (10 pts)
Now lets do some work for a real business using your best skills
Image Acquisition
- Use the 18 shot method with bracketing to capture five different panoramas that are no more than 20 feet apart so each node can see to the next node. Do not move the user through walls or closed doors!
- Bracket Shoot in RAW
Image Processing
- Process the RAW images to HDR using Photomatix Pro
- Stitch the HDR images into spherical panoramas
Down Shot Patching
- Open the two down shots and overlay to remove the arm. Remove the tripod using your best Photoshop skills.
Quality Control
- Make sure to correct a crooked horizon line if present.
- Images are properly exposed!
- DO NOT USE trial software for your final submission!
- Upload panoramas to Kuula
- Orient the panoramas to North
- Link the panoramas together
- Keep the direction consistent (orientation)
- Add text description
- Add a lens flare
Submit in Canvas
- Please submit a URL to your Kuula tour in Canvas
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail