Unit04 Publishing a Google Tour
Using the 6-shot method, you will photograph a four separate nodes with Bracket Shooting for HDR and then create a tour on Google Maps hosting platform.
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Practice the 18-shot HDR method
- Create a multi-node augmented tour
- Augment with textual information
- Augment with directional sound
- Augment with photographs
- Canvas Videos
- 3261_10a Introduction to Tours [1:11]
- 3261_10b Add Panos to Project [6:09]
- 3261_10c Link Panos Together [4:30]
- 3261_10d Publish Tour to Google Maps [5:44]
- 3261_10e View on Web Browser [1:18]
- 3261_10f View on Phone [1:06]
- 3261_10g View on Headset [3:17]
Assignment Example
View the Summit Creek Community Center in Woodland Hills, UT
Assignment Checklist
Unit04 Publishing a Google Tour (10 pts)
Now your ready to move to professional HDR photography with augmented tours. Please shoot this in a NEW location. You may NOT reuse panos from another project.
Image Acquisition
- Use the 18 shot method with bracketing to capture four different panoramas that are no more than 20 feet apart!
- Bracket Shoot in RAW
Image Processing
- Process the RAW images to HDR using Photomatix Pro
- Stitch the HDR images into spherical panoramas.
Down Shot Patching
- Open the two down shots and overlay to remove the arm. Remove the tripod using your best Photoshop skills.
Quality Control
- Make sure to correct a crooked horizon line if present.
- Images are properly exposed!
- DO NOT USE trial software for your final submission!
Build a tour using pano2VR
- Add panoramas
- Locate on a map
- Orient to North
- Link nodes together
- Add place names
- Publish to your maps account on Google
- Wait a while till the chevrons appear (day or two)
Submit in Canvas
- Submit a link in Canvas
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail