Unit09 Modal Dialogues
In this module, you will.
In this module we will build a dynamic modal dialogue box that gets populated by data from a JSON formatted file.
- Dynamically build cards with a button that activates a modal dialogue.
- Style the background of a dialobue box.
- Build the cards using JS from a JSON formatted file.
- Populate a modal using data attached to an element
AI Assist
Use AI to built customer reviews
PROMPT: Please give me a JSON formatted document of 10 best noir films from 1940, including the production studio, primary actors, year released, budget, description and image path. Tasks
- Reference for The Dialog element
- Reference for Background Blur
- Reference for Background Brightness
- Reference for Background Contrast
- Reference for Background Grayscale
- Reference for Background Invert
- Reference for Background Saturate
- Reference for Background Sepia
- Building the Assignment
- Watch 2620_01a Video
- Watch 2620_01b Video
- Watch 2620_01c Video
Assignment Example
- View the small screen version
- View the medium screen version
- View the large screen version
Assignment Checklist
Unit09 Modal Dialogues (10 pts)
html head tag
The head tag should contain the following
- A link to a stylesheet
- Build a JSON formatted file containing at least 8 items with an image reference and 5 additional information elements
The main tag should contain the following
- A section with an id to dymanically display the cards from the JSON file
- A reusable dialogue modal that is populated with dynamic JS and styled using tailwind.
- The modal has a close button with a hover class appled.
- Cards are displayed in variousnumbers of columns depending on the screen width.
- A background effect is used when the modal is displayed.
Design Principle Requirements
Your page needs to meet these requirements
- Passes the HTML W3C HTML validator
- Passes the WAVE Accessibility test with no contrast errors
- Does not contain any Visual Tangent errors (items touching the screen edge)
- Page is responsive from 320px to 1600px
- Page does not have horizontal scrolling at any page width
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail