Final Part A - Common Page Elements
In this module, we will begin the final project for the class using everything we have learned so far. Pick a topic that is NOT fast food. You wil be building a 4 page website and style everything using tailwindcss.
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Pick a topic for this 4 page website (not fast food)
- Build a logo for your chosen topic [unit1]
- From that logo, build a fav icon [unit1]
- Build a responsive header [unit1]
- Build a responsive navigation with wayfinding [unit3]
- Build a consistent footer using modules [unit3]
- Identify and implement an appropiate color scheme and font family for your site [unit7]
- Building the Assignment
- Watch 2620_01a Video
- Watch 2620_01b Video
- Watch 2620_01c Video
Assignment Example
- View the small screen version
- View the small screen with open navigation
- View the medium screen version
- View the large screen version
Assignment Checklist
Final Part A - Common Page Elements (10 pts)
As you design you final project, consider the following requirements for the site
- Pick a color scheme and include a series of grey colors
- Override the default tailwind colors using your color scheme
- Pick a google font that works with your design. Extend tailwind to include your new fontfamily
- Build a pixel density logo 50px to 75px with 1x, 2x, 3x versions (File>Automate>Generator Plugins > Image Assets)
- Build and implement a fav icon
header of all 4 pages
The head tag should contain the following
- Link to a favorite icon
- Link to a stylesheet
- Link to appropiate google fonts
- Include a viewport meta tag
- Include a page title
The header tag should contain the following
- Build the page header with a logo, company name and navigation (hamburger for small and menu items for larger)
- Hamburger is an inline SVG styled with tailwind
- Extend screens “small” so the break point works with the header navigation items
- Style the anchors in the nav bar using @apply
- Wrap the header in a division and set the max width and margin to auto
The navigation should contain the following
- Responsive Nav bar with hamburger links to (Home, Products, Order, Profile)
- Build the navigation in the html of the page using a nav tag
- Give the nav tag an id to be used by JS for showing and hiding the menu items
- Build a JS that uses querySelector to add or remove a tailwind “hidden” class on the navigation items
- Insure that for smallest screens the class of “hidden” is applied to the nav items
- Style anchors inside the nav tag giving each a class of 'navLink'
- Style the navLink class using @apply in the input.css file with tailwind classes
- Add a custom tailwind class to the active menu item to implement wayfinding
- Ensure that wayfinding is working in your navigation
- On larger screens, display the navigation in the header aligned to the right
The footer tag should contain the following
- Use JS modules to dynamically add a section for 4 social media icons built from SVG's
- Use JS Modules to add a second section containing the copyright statement
- Use template literals to include a dynamic copyright year
- All styling is done in the JS using tailwind classes and className=
- Add mjs to the list of files being checked by tailwind config
Individual Pages
Build 4 individual pages which contain the following
- Use an h1 tag for the page title and style it using @apply for consistency
- Build four pages with page titles
Design Principle Requirements
Your page needs to meet these requirements
- Passes the HTML W3C HTML validator
- Passes the WAVE Accessibility test with no contrast errors
- Does not contain any Visual Tangent errors (items touching the screen edge)
- Page is responsive from 320px to 1600px
- Page does not have horizontal scrolling at any page width
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail