Unit20 Capstone


So if you have completed all previous modules in this course at 90% and you still want to do more design/development work to improve your grade, then you can build one more web page as interview practice.

I got this idea from a chief technology officer who works at a tech company here in Utah County. Whenever they interview a new employee they ask lots of questions and the if they are impressed, they hand them wire frame and ask them to turn it into a functioning responsive web page.

You will hve to use everything you have learned in this class to create a large, medium, and small version of this page.

This assignment will let me know how well you internalized what you have been learning without the aid of tutorials.


At the end of this module, you should be able to...


Here4 are some resources that will make this assignment easier to complete.

Capstone Example

Assignment Checklist

Unit20 Capstone (15 pts)

Page Requirements

Your page needs to meet these requirements


The header of your page should contain the following:


The navigation should feature:

Hero Video

The footer tag of your page should contain the following:

Hosting this Assignment

In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.