Unit08 Posters
This is your opportunity to complete an assignment on your own by applying what you have learned so far. Think of this as a midterm test.
No new vocabulary
- Download films JSON data set and put it into a "data" folder
- Import it into your JavaScript file using this syntax:
import {films} from '../data/films.js'
- Use this link to the poster images and remember to change the number.jpg to a variable using template literals.
For this module, you will be practicing things you have learned in previous units.
- Use an external script link (module 1)
- Use variables numbers and strings (module 2)
- Implement functions with returns (module 2)
- Build fat arrow functions (module 4)
- Use querySelector to grab a reference to an existing HTML element (module 2)
- Use module import and export (module 7)
- Use a for loop to loop through a data set (module 7)
- Use JavaScript to create elements (module 4)
- Use innerHTML to put content into those elements (module 4)
- Appended those elements to a page (module 4)
- Set the src attribute and alt attribute of an image (module 7)
- Add event listeners that waited for a click event (module 4)
- Set the className of an HTML element (module 6)
- Construct template literals to mix words and variables (module 4)
- Grab images from another website (module 7)
- Design a responsive web site.
- Apply CSS to make a beautiful presentation of the data.
- Upload your assignment to GitHub
- Publish your assignment to Netlify
- Build a page showing all the Star Wars movie posters with a layout switch
- Download the start file for this unit.
- Download a GRID svg icon
- Download a LIST svg icon
- Download a round red png file for the practice activity
- Download a round green png file for the practice activity
- Unit Lectures
- Watch 1720_08a Posters-Overview
- Watch 1720_08b Buttons-HTML
- Watch 1720_08c Buttons-CSS
- Watch 1720_08c Buttons-Swap
- Watch 1720_08d Grid-List Practice
Reflection Questions
ReadDesigning for Attention by Victor Yocco
- Describe three methods you can use to help you design for the attention needs of your users.
Assignment Example
- View the small screen grid version
- View the medium screen grid version
- View the large screen grid version
- View the small screen list version
- View the medium screen list version
- View the large screen list version
Assignment Checklist
Unit08 Posters (10 pts)
A list of the Star Wars movie posters with details.
Page Header
- Assignment title
- Two layout icons
Page Content
- Build cards using JavaScript
- Display the movie title
- Display an image of the movie poster
- Display the Movie Director
- Display the movie producer
- Display the Release Date
- Style
- Use your best design skills to build a responsive, user-friendly web page
- Style the page using a color scheme that is NOT red
- Present the posters as a responsive grid with multiple columns
- Also present them as a list
Page Footer
- Your Name
- Copyright Information
Overall Page Requirements
Your page needs to meet these requirements
- Link to a normailze.css file (this creates a common starting point for all browsers)
- Link to a small.css file
- Link to a medium.css file
- Link to a large.css file
- Link to an external Google Font of your choice
- Media Queries are included in the medium and large css files
- Demonstrate the design principles of Contrast, Proximity, Alignment, Hierachy, Wayfinding, and Visual Tangent.
- Passes the HTML5 validation test.
- Passes the CSS3 validation test.
- Create a new sub folder inside your local "dwdd1720" class folder for this assignment. (ex: posters)
- Update the link on your Great Skills (home) page to point to the sub-folder for this assignment.
- Sync your changes to GitHub
- After a few minutes, open your netlify account to insure that your link from Great Skills (home) to the Posters assignment is working
- Submit the Netlify URL to Canvas for a grade.
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail