Unit07 Presidents
In this assignment we will be accessing a JSON data file that contains information about the presidents of the US and displaying it on a page.
- The acronym for Java Script Object Notation, a way to store data.
- JavaScript Modules
- Allow you to separate your code into pieces and import and export only the data and functions that you need.
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Use figure with images and division
- Use JSON data
- Practice JSON Object Literals
- Implement JavaScript Modules
- Implement JS import
- Implement JS export
- Use JSON data to build a page showing the US Presidents
- Download the start file for this unit.
- Download the presidents JSON data file.
- Link to the parent folder for all the presidents photos.
- Unit Lectures
- Watch 1720_07a Presidents-Overview
- Watch 1720_07b Stooges
- Watch 1720_07c Linking-the-JSON
- Watch 1720_07d Looping-through-Data
- Watch 1720_07e Appending-Elements
- Watch 1720_07f Design
Reflection Questions
Read The Rise and Rise of JSON by two bit history
- Explain to a potential employee why JSON data is your choice for data storage.
Assignment Example
- View the small screen version
- View the medium screen version
- View the large screen version
Assignment Checklist
Unit07 Presidents (10 pts)
A listing of all the presidents using JSON data and external images.
Page Header
- Load a custom google font of your choice
- Add a footer tag containing your name and the class
- Display all the data from the Presidents JSON data file
- Link to an external president image with an alt tag
Using your very best design skills, make this page look nice
- Implement a color scheme
- Implement Alignment, Proximity, Repetition, Contrast, and avoid Visual Tangent errors.
- Implement borders, backgrounds, lines, shadows, etc.
- DO NOT use my red, white and blue color scheme!
- Implement multi-column responsive design.
Overall Page Requirements
Your page needs to meet these requirements
- Link to a normailze.css file (this creates a common starting point for all browsers)
- Link to a small.css file
- Link to a medium.css file
- Link to a large.css file
- Link to an external Google Font of your choice
- Media Queries are included in the medium and large css files
- Demonstrate the design principles of Contrast, Proximity, Alignment, Hierachy, Wayfinding, and Visual Tangent.
- Passes the HTML5 validation test.
- Passes the CSS3 validation test.
- Create a new sub folder inside your local "dwdd1720" class folder for this assignment. (ex: presidents)
- Update the link on your Great Skills (home) page to point to the sub-folder for this assignment.
- Sync your changes to GitHub
- After a few minutes, open your netlify account to insure that your link from Great Skills (home) to the Presidents assignment is working
- Submit the Netlify URL to Canvas for a grade.
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail