Unit06 Wellness Tracker
Create a Emotional Wellness Tracker that uses local storage
- Local Storage
- The localStorage property allows you to set, read, and delete data on someones computer or device.
- Term
- Description
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Use querySelector
- Use selectedIndex Value
- Use selectedIndex Text
- Implement the Web Storage API
- Implement setItem
- Implement getItem
- Implement removeItem
- Assign a className to an element
- Implement Location Reload
- Build a Wellness tracker application
- Download the start file for this unit.
- Unit Lectures
- Watch 1720_06a Wellness-Overview
- Watch 1720_06b Wellness-HTML
- Watch 1720_06c Saving-the-Data
- Watch 1720_06d Display-the-Data
- Watch 1720_06e Delete-the-Data
- Watch 1720_06f Conditional-loading
- Watch 1720_06g Wellness-Styling
Reflection Questions
Read Cookies vs Local Storage vs Session Storage by Igor Irianto
- What is the difference between local storage and cookies?
Assignment Example
- View the small screen version
- View the medium screen version
- View the large screen version
Assignment Checklist
Unit06 Wellness Tracker (10 pts)
You will create a modification of the wellness tracker using your own information
Page Header
- Use an h1 tag to describe your project
Data Gathering
For this you may NOT use emotions or feelings! Do something original.
- Gather at least two pieces of information from the user
- Have them pick something from a list of at least 4 items
- store that information using local storage
- Use a submit button to save the data to local storage
Data Displaying
- Display at least two pieces of information from the user saved to local storage
- Display an image and related text from local storage
- Provide a button to delete the local data
- Use classes assigned by JavaScript to show and hide the data gathering and data displaying sections of your application
- Style your application with CSS so it looks nice. Adhere to all PARC design principles.
Overall Page Requirements
Your page needs to meet these requirements
- Link to a normailze.css file (this creates a common starting point for all browsers)
- Link to a small.css file
- Link to a medium.css file
- Link to a large.css file
- Link to an external Google Font of your choice
- Media Queries are included in the medium and large css files
- Demonstrate the design principles of Contrast, Proximity, Alignment, Hierachy, Wayfinding, and Visual Tangent.
- Passes the HTML5 validation test.
- Passes the CSS3 validation test.
- Create a new sub folder inside your local "dwdd1720" class folder for this assignment. (ex: wellness-tracker)
- Update the link on your Great Skills (home) page to point to the sub-folder for this assignment.
- Sync your changes to GitHub
- After a few minutes, open your netlify account to insure that your link from Great Skills (home) to the Wellness Tracker assignment is working
- Submit the Netlify URL to Canvas for a grade.
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail