Unit05 Black Jack Game
Once again we return to the expertise of Scrimba teachers and give you a break from my voice. You will create a Black Jack game using JavaScript
- Declare
- The first time you create a variable ex: let message;
- Assign
- The first time you give the variable a value ex: let message = "Hello"
- Reassign
- Whenever you give a variable a new value (const variables cannot be reassigned with new values)
- Method
- A method is a function belonging to an object
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Build an Array
- Practice using Booleans
- Build an if-else statements
- Use comparison operators
- Create a for loop
- Practice Math.random()
- Practice Math.floor()
- Implement equality operators
- Implement return values
- Build an Object
- Build and Update a blackjack game
- Free Code Camp
- Download the Black Jack Start file
- Watch the 54 videos and excersizes from Scrimba. It should take about 2:40
- Watch 1720_05a Game Overview
Reflection Questions
Read What Should You Do When A Web Design Trend Becomes Too Popular by Suzanne Scacca
- Describe a couple of options you have with popular design trends and which one you would choose.
Assignment Example
- View the small screen version
- View the medium screen version
- View the large screen version
Assignment Checklist
Unit05 Black Jack Game (10 pts)
Describe this assignment
Update the Tutorial
This blackjack game needs to be updated
- Replace ALL getElementById() with the newer querySelector()
- Replace string concatination with template literals (think backtick)
- Replace embedded HTML JS function calls with onclick function in the js file.
Overall Page Requirements
Your page needs to meet these requirements
- Link to a normailze.css file (this creates a common starting point for all browsers)
- Link to a small.css file
- Link to a medium.css file
- Link to a large.css file
- Link to an external Google Font of your choice
- Media Queries are included in the medium and large css files
- Demonstrate the design principles of Contrast, Proximity, Alignment, Hierachy, Wayfinding, and Visual Tangent.
- Passes the HTML5 validation test.
- Passes the CSS3 validation test.
- Upload your assignemnt to GitHub
- Change your repository to private
- Publish the GitHub repository to Netlify using the name that they provide
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail