Unit02 Counter App
This week you get to learn from an expert from Scrimba, he will walk you through the process of making a counter app for your phone using JavaScript. In the process you will learn some fun DOM manipulation tricks
- Script
- A script is a series of instructions that a computer can follow to achieve a goal. Think of it like a recipe or assembly instructions.
- Brandan Eich
- Developed a new scripting language in just 10 days. It was originally named Mocha, then LiveScript then JavaScript.
- European Computer Manufacturers Association
- JavaScript
- A scripting language that lets you add functionality and behaviors to your website, allowing your website’s visitors to interact with content.
- ECMAScript 6
- The second major release of JavaScript released in 2015.
- Immutable
- A value cannot be changed
- No Additional tools
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Link to an external Script file
- Practice using let block-scoped variables
- Use different data types (numbers and strings)
- Implement Functions
- Manipulate the Document Object Model or DOM
- Use querySelector method
- Use innerText property
- Use textContent property
- Complete the first 16 lessons on free code camp covering JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures > Basic JavaScript and do a screen capture of the completed lessons.
- Free Code Camp
- Watch the 28 videos and complete the Passanger App from Scrimba. It should take about an hour.
- Download the start file
- Watch Updates
Reflection Questions
Read A Brief History of JavaScript by Boateng Dickson
- How would you describe the difference between Java and JavaScript to a non technical person?
- What are the three names used by Brendan for the scripting language he wrote?
Assignment Example
- View the small screen version
- View the medium screen version
- View the large screen version
Assignment Checklist
Unit02 Counter App (10 pts)
You will follow along with the videos and practice lessons on Scrimba and build a "Passenger Counter App". Once you are finished, you will make some updates to bring it in line with current best practices.
Complete the Tutorial
- Download the start file form Scrimba
- Complete the 28 lessons
- Remove all references to "getElementByID()" and replace them with the more modern "querySelector()"
- Remove html "onclick" and replace with onclick function in the .js file.
- Replace the station graphic with this "station.jpg" file
- Create a new sub folder inside your local "dwdd1720" class folder for this assignment. (ex: counter-app)
- Update the link on your Great Skills (home) page to point to the sub-folder for this assignment.
- Sync your changes to GitHub
- After a few minutes, open your netlify account to insure that your link from Great Skills (home) to the Counter App assignment is working
- Submit the Netlify URL to Canvas for a grade.
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail