Capstone Project


This is a competency based class which means that if you have successfully passed all the units to this point you have earned a "B".

If you want to get an "B+", "A-", or "A", then you can complete the capstone activities which include building a vacation website, taking final exam in Canvas and completing a reflection.

For the capstone project, you will take everything that you have learned thus far and apply that knowledge to creating a professional, responsive, website for a vacation company.



Reflection Questions

Assignment Checklist

Capstone Project (40 pts)

Imagine that you have just met with the CEO of a "Budget Vacations" and they want a new website that works on mobile phones and desktop computers. They have asked you to build their new site. Before they hire you, they want to see what you are capable of doing so they have asked to see a sample vacation site which represents your best work.

For this project you will build an entirely new website to promote vacation destinations of your choice. Place all the files and sub-folders in a folder called "vacation". This project will contain several beautifully designed pages and include everything on this checklist. The rules include:

Overall Design5

All pages must share the look and feel of the home page.

Home Page5

Build a homepage for your site.

Destination Page (gallery) 5

The Destination Gallery page should include a minimum of 6 destinations displayed in multiple columns. Each photograph should have a description with it.

Video Clip Page5

Please make a new page for a video.

Packages 5

This page will contain 3 vacation packages complete with a description, destination, hotel name, cost, and rental car company. Use the built in h1, h2, p to layout these pages. (DO NOT USE TABLES)

Contact Page5

Request additional information page complete with fieldsets, ledged and labels. This form must forward to a thanks page.

Media Queries for Navigation5

Create CSS navigation for the phone so it works differently than the desktop.



Unlike previous assignments you will NOT have a chance to redo this assignment. You only get one shot at success and the points you earn will be entered in Canvas.