Unit08 Media


In this unit you will be adding video, audio, map, and PDF as additional media to your site. We will also practice using a table appropiatly. When the table element was introduced it was used for page structure because it allowed designers to design. Now that there were other ways to structure a page, the table tag can be use for it's true purpose.


An iFrame is an inline frame used inside a webpage to load another HTML document inside it.
An MP3 file is an audio file saved in a compressed audio format developed by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) that uses "Layer 3" audio compression thus the name mp3.
An OGG file is a compressed audio file that uses free, unpatented Ogg Vorbis audio compression. It sounds better than an MP3 file of equal size, and may include song metadata, such as artist information and track data.



At the end of this module, you should be able to...



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Assignment Checklists

Follow Along Activity(5 pts)

Unit08 Media (10 pts)

For this assignment you will be adding two additional pages to your site. In one page you will have a table and video. In the other page you will have a map with the full physical address of your company.

Add two additional pages

Add two new pages to your site and update the navigation.


Create a new page with a Google map.


You will insert a YouTube or Vimeo video into your site.


HTML5 has created new open standards for audio. Please add an ogg and mp3 file on your site.

Downloadable Brochure

Please create a brochure promoting your web business and link it.


Please add a table to omne of the new pages that has 5 rows and three columns.

Valid CSS markup

Please check your CSS to see if you have any errors (warning ar OK). You should use the CSS code validator to check your work.

Upload to GitHub

Upload your assignment to a GitHub repository


In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.