Unit07 Advanced CSS


In this unit you will implement a responsive navigation system for mobile phones as well as adding a hero image to the home page. At this point your site should look awesome.


Media Query
A Media Query uses the @media rule to implement a set of CSS rules only when a condition is true.
Hero Image
A hero image is a term used to describe a banner image at the top of a web page.
CSS Box Model
The box model is a square that wraps around every HTML element. It consists of margins, borders, padding, and the content of the tag.



At the end of this module, you should be able to...



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Assignment Checklists

Follow Along Activity(5 pts)

Unit07 Advanced CSS (10 pts)

Box Model

Change the box model for your style sheet.

Site Logo

Add a logo to the header of your site.

Width Control

Limit the overall width of your site.

Center Page Contents

Center the page.

In-line Media Queries

Create CSS navigation rules for the phone and other rules for the tablet and desktop.

Hero Image

Add a hero image.

CSS Gradient

Somewhere on your site use a CSS gradient


Use a drop shadow to give your site elements a sense of depth.

Fav Icon

Create a favorite Icon

Valid CSS markup

Please check your CSS to see if you have any errors (warning are OK). You should use the CSS code validator to check your work.

Upload to GitHub

Upload your assignment to a GitHub repository


In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.