Unit05 Images


For this lesson you will add a third page to your site. You will create a gallery of images that display in rows and columns. Since you are the content creator for this site, you will have to locate several images and crop them to the same width as each other. You will use CSS flexbox to present them as multiple rows and columns. Begin this assignment by duplicating one of your current pages and delete the contents of the <main> tag.

Once you have completed the gallery page, you will need to then use an FTP program to transfer all four pages (index.html, about.html, gallery.html, and mystyles.css) and your images in their proper folder, from your local computer to the web host you purchased for this class. Be sure that you check your work by opening your finished pages on your site. What you see is what we grade.


Image Resolution
Resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image and can be measured in two ways. It can be the width and height of the image (300px wide by 200px high) or it can be the width multiplied by the height showing the total number of pixels in the image.
Image Optimization
Balancing file size and quality. You must reduce the file size of your images as much as possible without sacrificing quality so that load speed is fast.
Image Compression
Data compression applied to digital images to reduce their file size. JPEG and WebP are formats that take advantage of compression techniques.
Image Formats
Common formats for images in the web include GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, and WebP.



At the end of this module, you should be able to...



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Assignment Example

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Assignment Checklists

Follow Along Activity(5 pts)

Unit05 Images (10 pts)

New Page

Create a new page that matches the look and feel of your current pages.

Home Page Image

Please add an image to the home page of your site.

Image Gallery

For this assignment you will need to locate and download at least 8 images related to your web site subject. Open them in an image editor and crop and resize them all to similar sizes. I recommend that the image be no bigger than 300px tall or 300px wide. If you have Photoshop please use that, if not, you can use PIXLR a web based image editing program.

Valid HTML markup

Please check your code prior to uploading to see if you missed anything. You should use the html5 code validator.

Valid CSS markup

Please check your CSS to see if you have any errors (warning are OK). You should use the CSS code validator to check your work.

Page Speed

Check the size of your home page and gallery page using Pingdom Speed Tester

Upload to GitHub

Upload your assignment to a GitHub repository


In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.