Unit01 Course Overview
The course syllabus for this unit is soooooo long that I put it into its own page called "Course Syllabus"
- Patent
- Protects an invention
- Copyright
- Protects an original artistic or literary work
- Trademark
- Protects a brand name
- Fair Use
- Fair use is using something that another person has created without breaking the law.
- Acceptable Use Policy
- A set of rules created by a school or business that regulates how you can use the network or online services.
- Competency Based Education is an approach which allows students to progress through a course at their own speed based on their demonstrated mastry of predefined skills.
- Internet
- The internet is a connection between computers and other devices from around the world that form a huge network of systems.
- The world Wide Web is a collection of webpages which are published on the Internet and read by millions of its users
- The Uniform Resource Locator is a full path to any document on the web.
- Top Level Domain
- The right side of your domain name like .com or .edu.
- Domain Name
- The address where Internet users can access your website.
- Subdomain
- A child of the primary domain and can be used to organize different sections of your website.
- Protocol
- A standardized way of communicating between two or more devices so they can understand each other.
- Server
- A computer that provides resources, data, services, or programs over a network to clients.
- The Domain Name System is the phonebook of the Internet and converts names to IP numbers.
- Wi-Fi, is the technology that allows devices to connect to the internet without the need for a wired connection.
- Web Browser
- A web browser is a software application for accessing the information on the World Wide Web.
- An Internet Service Provider provides you direct access to the internet from home or work.
- Download Visual Studio Code
At the end of this module, you should be able to...
- Identify important events in the history of the internet.
- Pass the syllabus quiz.
- Pass the HTML history quiz.
- Pass a quiz on how the web works.
- Download and install the VS Code text editor.
- Download the assignment home page for GitHub
- Signup for a free account on GitHub
- Create a "dwdd1600" repository for this course
- Modify and upload the assignment home page,
- Activate GitHub Pages
- Read a History of HTML by Longman
- Read a Brief History of Markup by Jeremy Keith
- Read How the Web Works - In One Easy Lesson
- Read where the web was born by CERN
- Read Home Page
- Unit Introduction
- Watch 1a-How the Web Works
- Watch 1b-Copyright & Fair Use
- Watch 1c-New Github Account
- Watch 1d-New Repository (with default index file)
- Watch 1e-Upload an Assignment (01test folder)
- Watch 1f-Submit to Canvas
- Watch 1g-Fixing Foldername Mistakes
- Watch Laura Boyd talk about long term memory (from 3:36 to 4:46)
Assignment Example
No example for this assignment
Assignment Checklist
Unit01 Course Overview (10 pts)
For this class, we will be using a popular cloud-based service called GitHub to host and publish your assignments for this course. It has a free option and will allow you to create a website using a feature called "Pages".
Please follow along with the step by step instructional videos above (1c-New Github Account through 1f-Submit to Canvas).
Sign up for a free account
- Create a free account on GitHub
- Use a personal email for your account so you can keep your account after you graduate.
- Upload a cool photo of yourself
Create a new repository for this class
- Create a new resository called "dwdd1600" (all lowercase letters)
- Modify and upload an index file to access all your assignments.
Practice uploading a test assignment
- Create a new folder called "01test" and create a very basic html file inside called "index.html"
- Upload it to your repository and test to make sure it works
Submit to Canvas
- Submit your GitHub URl to Canvas for a grade.
In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.
- Pass
- Fail