Unit01 Course Overview


The course syllabus for this unit is soooooo long that I put it into its own page called "Course Syllabus"


Protects an invention
Protects an original artistic or literary work
Protects a brand name
Fair Use
Fair use is using something that another person has created without breaking the law.
Acceptable Use Policy
A set of rules created by a school or business that regulates how you can use the network or online services.
Competency Based Education is an approach which allows students to progress through a course at their own speed based on their demonstrated mastry of predefined skills.
The internet is a connection between computers and other devices from around the world that form a huge network of systems.
The world Wide Web is a collection of webpages which are published on the Internet and read by millions of its users
The Uniform Resource Locator is a full path to any document on the web.
Top Level Domain
The right side of your domain name like .com or .edu.
Domain Name
The address where Internet users can access your website.
A child of the primary domain and can be used to organize different sections of your website.
A standardized way of communicating between two or more devices so they can understand each other.
A computer that provides resources, data, services, or programs over a network to clients.
The Domain Name System is the phonebook of the Internet and converts names to IP numbers.
Wi-Fi, is the technology that allows devices to connect to the internet without the need for a wired connection.
Web Browser
A web browser is a software application for accessing the information on the World Wide Web.
An Internet Service Provider provides you direct access to the internet from home or work.



At the end of this module, you should be able to...



Assignment Example

No example for this assignment

Assignment Checklist

Unit01 Course Overview (10 pts)

For this class, we will be using a popular cloud-based service called GitHub to host and publish your assignments for this course. It has a free option and will allow you to create a website using a feature called "Pages".

Please follow along with the step by step instructional videos above (1c-New Github Account through 1f-Submit to Canvas).

Sign up for a free account
Create a new repository for this class
Practice uploading a test assignment
Submit to Canvas

In order to receive a grade for this assignment you must earn 90% of the points listed above.